About Labonce
About Us

Professional manufacturer of  Stability Chamber   

About Labonce
Beijing Labonce Thermostatic Technology Company is established in 2008, located in Life Science Park of Zhongguancun in Beijing. We focus on the developpment and research of humidity and temperature tehcnology, with a variety of enviromental laboratory equipments, such as stability chamber, high and low temperature chamber, cultivation chamber, conservation chamber and etc, With the adoption of  the advanced technology from Germmany, excellent imported parts, our products are famous for its stable and qualified performance, Till now, we have provided product and service to thousands of compaines, including USA, UK and more than 30 countries. Certificate
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      Make a product that is reassuring to users - Stability  Chamber              
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It is not easy to treat everything seriously and every little thing should be well done 

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  • Early Morning sung by Sofia Kallgren

    Early Morning sung by Sofia Kallgren


    Early morning when the sun is rising I watch you when you still are in your sleep Teacups still waiting on the breakfast table That's not a reason good enough to wake you Early morning when the day is...

  • A Labonce Stability Chamber’s Journey(CPhI Worldwide Europe)

    A Labonce Stability Chamber’s Journey(CPhI Worldwide Europe)


    A Journey of Labonce Stability test Chamber China’s stability chamber have traveled across the oceans, Settled in Frankfurt. Today we are going to say a story of a stability chamber spans more than ei...

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Beijing Labonce Themostatic Technology Company

Professional Technology , Good Products

Email: export@labonce.com FDA/ICH stability Chamber

© 2008-2024 Beijing Labonce Themostatic Technology Company All Rights Reserved

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